Sunday, May 19, 2013

Men Take Heed…In Speed Dating Women Have the Power

You have three to eight minutes to snare a date, or two, or more; what's a girl to do? For starters, you can relax. Women actually have more power in the speed dating area. Why? Well for one thing, research shows they're more selective about their dates than men. I know, thank you Professor Obvious. Research still has some good tips to offer for the speed dating process.
In a Stanford study, researchers found that people do develop real connections with people when speed dating and those connections are dependent on several factors. It's important for men to listen, focus on the woman's concerns in conversation and show enthusiasm. Men should be careful about asking questions that connect to what the woman is saying, avoiding random questions just to fill the space. Guys, that means you need to be engaged and understanding. That's how you get picked.
Professor Obvious speaks again on speed dating findings for women...

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