Is your freezer filled with meals from that expensive
diet you abandoned a year ago? Maybe you saw the perfect piece of exercise
equipment in an infomercial, spent a small fortune, and now it languishes in
your spare room. Perhaps it’s the fitness tracker that tells you what you no
longer want to know about your sleep, diet and exercise.
Those items are wonderful if you use them as part of your
bigger plan to get and stay healthy in mind, body and spirit.
It’s not the diet or equipment that gets you to your
fitness goals, it’s the determination and intention to be in it for the
long-haul. That, and a few simple things to keep in mind to avoid the fads and
the flops:
Beware of fads. If it sounds too good
to be true, it is. Consider the claims made about that Clear Quartz in your water bottle. Read more here...